The Crimson Elf: Italian Tales of Wisdom


by Michael J. Caduto, Illustrated by Tom Sarmo.

Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum, Inc., 1997.

64 pages, 7” x 9”, illustrated.


A collection of six original tellings of traditional Italian folk and fairy tales for children ages 8 to 12 by an author of Italian-American ancestry. Includes an introduction to Traditional Italian Tales and Storytelling, as well as a note on Sources.

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In these tales, people choose between being cowardly or brave, foolish or wise, selfish or generous. Children discover nuggets of truth such as the secret of happiness and the need for being faithful in love. They learn how faith and courage can help us to achieve our goals and how we truly can live forever. The tales are about growing up and learning from life’s experiences. They help children understand why it is important to obey parents and why it is dangerous to wander off on their own. They are reminded that all people are equal and that true love is more important than wealth or social status. These tales of wonder are filled the wisdom that will help children to live well with other people and the world of nature.


•  “The Land of Eternal Life,” received a 1998 Storytelling World Honor Award as a “most tellable tale” published in a collection.