Keepers of the Night: Native American Stories and Nocturnal Activities for Children


ALA Best Book for Young Adult

Natioinal Parenting Publications (NAPPA) Gold Award, recognizing excellence as a parenting resource that is both informative and engaging

By Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac. Illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden and Carol Wood, with full-page scratchboard art by Jo Levasseur. Foreword by Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Director, Bat Conservation International.

Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum, Inc., 1994.

146 pages, 7” x 9” trim, for parents, teachers, naturalists, storytellers, children.


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Contains 8 stories, numerous activities for children ages 5-12 years.  Profusely illustrated with beautiful line drawings, scratchboard nighttime scenes and photographs.  Co-authored and co-illustrated by Native Americans.  Includes chapters on Native American storytelling techniques, tips for conducting the activities, a glossary of Indian words and names, index and a map of Native North American culture areas.